Many companies thrive on innovation. Many, perhaps even most, are decidedly methodical and old-school. Of course, the definition of old-school is constantly changing, which itself will increase in pace with AI.
What struck me just now is how rapid innovation is A REQUIRMENT in the age of AI. The AI tools and capabilities that are emerging today change at light speed (some say doubling in performance EVERY 6 Months).
The AI tools you and your company adopt today will be obsolete in 12 months. The tools themselves will either fundamentally change, you’ll change tools, or you’ll fall behind.
In such a volatile environment, companies need to fundamentally adopt a “sprint-based” mentality (borrowing from the software developer vocabulary). Constantly experiment, assess, deploy, change. Plan for obsolescence. Perhaps AI stands for the “Age of Innovation”, because companies need to constantly change, move and adapt. And doing so requires re-thinking the organization.
Of course, this is just my brainstorm of the day. What do you think?